Two Poems

Monsoon Came During the Pestilence &


by Kushal Poddar

Monsoon Came During the Pestilence

A heavy bottom cloud rides

one mystical dildo of some place of worship.

If you do not know monsoon know this -

it doesn't arrive; it suddenly exists.

The blades of grass stridulate a muddy war

history of heart remembers for bloodiness.

Suddenly the mind ceases.

The pit proves its life.

If you do not know what you know stare

at the pane - the thick thighs of rain

throttles the monuments.


Remember this - no cops visit the neighborhood

since the pestilence. Let's rob the powerless

ice-cream parlour naked.

The streets survive the fulmination of grass.

I devour a hodgepodge burger until I remember

hunger shall return to diminishing resources.

Let's rob something. Naked.

Tim says, he needs to bury his mother

sometime soon. The refrigerator dies away.

I promise him to write a new series of funeral rites.

And a new religion. We lord the swarm. The fittest.

A poet and a father, Kushal Poddar, edited a magazine - Words Surfacing, and authored seven volumes of poetry including The Circus Came To My Island, A Place For Your Ghost Animals, Eternity Restoration Project - Selected and New Poems and Herding My Thoughts To The Slaughterhouse - A Prequel

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