being alive 1

after Ellen Bass

by Sophie Christenberry

the thing is

read the poem to Gianni

the thing is

stand outside her new building in the wet

the thing is

world ends soon

the thing is

arms heavy from the beer and dinner

the thing is 

fifty six dollars at the bodega

the thing is

guy behind the counter gives me forks for free

the thing is

reminds me to take them

the thing is

crystal plastic forks

the thing is

floor is hard under me

the thing is

know her forever 

the thing is 

romance of a movie

the thing is

pizza in her empty apartment

the thing is


the thing is

know her for ever i swear

the thing is

don’t know the song there’s nothing like it

the thing is

Mic says he loves it too

the thing is 

different poem on the subway

the thing is 

Tiana Clark in The New Yorker

the thing is

my grandmother’s letter

the thing is

can’t find my grandmother’s letter

the thing is

her vintage penmanship

the thing is

letters lilt forward

the thing is

read her grocery list in death

the thing is

Chloe as a mother 

the thing is 

the thing is

to love life

the thing is being alive

Sophie Christenberry (she/her) is a poet and waitress from Queens, New York. Her work appears in HAD, Peach Mag, and Dirt Child among others.  Her first chapbook, "Shift Notes" was released in August 2023 with Bullshit Lit. In whatever way it can be, her work is for the unqualified liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian people.