
by Orjichukwu Golding

I'll meet you at this Junction when I've learnt to carry my shame with swagger & to smile before mirrors & received direct sunlight & stopped being shadow or eyes spewing pain on closed palms or a story too sour for the mouth or a room of shattered glasses or a house of weeds or Sodom or wishes or iron battered toes & maybe by then we would have grown beards in this business & learnt the gift in sin & mastered carrying our weight, but before then let's run that this fire burning in the mouths of men wouldn't char our vegetable insides.

Orjichukwu Chikamobi Golding is an Igbo poet studying Literature at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. As a dreamer by day, he hopes to write a bestseller or maybe equal the feats of Woke Soyinka someday. He is the Mate Custodian of The Writers Community, UNN and seldom tweets as @Chikamobi