
by Mrityunjay

Editor’s Note: this is a highly formatted poem, best viewed fullscreen on a desktop browser


The Skin as a Moon

divinity bleeds through my skin, and I am broken only in two never parts 

My eyes are darkened moons beneath                                                                  thickets of overarching 

                trees—their brittle fingers aching for silver stars 

my sister tells me I am too dark

      the burnt husk of a sunken moon 


as dirt under her foot, 


as soil under the stars  


The Skin is a Platter 

I am full of verses, and housed in a body of comments from strangers, 

I am incomplete with them as I am without 

my body is the 


           of the burnt bottom of a copper pot on

           a turned-low gas stove—

The stove burns—my own skin withers                                               into grains of a once bright flame                                                               

when I am pasted on with 


         creams and face masks

Can     something      so      meaningless      cure       the nature     of a skin     that     refuses     change?


The Skin Without a Home 

My colour is my clothing, but how to wear it proud when it is so abhorred? 

A skin that refuses change 

I am 

      bottled             with stars              they are  


                as a hollow tree without an 

         ounce of blood


Does the tree weep when                                                                                it is told to peel off its skin


replace it with                                                                                                                   something else?            


The Skin is Brown 

A bowl of comments on the hollows of my cheek are fruits to pluck 

They feed the insecurity a heart can call its home 


puppets dance under my skin                                                                         swim beneath thistly words

morsels of my                                              skin                                                          wither and wallow 

in a sea—drowning; sinking; aching 

when I am within 

     sight of my sister

         Opinion: you’re uncivilised for 

     you are brown (read as, my sister believes

         herself to be white for she’s made of the moon)

Opinion: you’re a barbarian that bounds 

about, a monkey without 

sense of anything 

                    accustomed                                                                smile

my   eyes are                to the                    crinkle                    of a        when I am to hide 

   own                                                                                                                                 instead

my skin 

is called a                                                     scar                                            because it is supposed to be 


it is to 



 bound by a requirement to treat it—

          heal it—cure it of its condition 

get better

But         what           if          I           don’t          want          to           get          better         after         all? 


The Skin as Metal 

I am most indestructible when I am without any remarks 

I am a painting on the tongue of a canvas, but only there are no artists

on sight—I need to make my fingers my brush and my skin the paint, and make it 

My skin is called a scar                           fire-sharpened                               words on my sister’s tongue

Not a morsel of guilt in her              



my skin becomes thick 

      gnarled like bent 



                under heat 


A wound on the                                       inside                                     of my marred cheek forfends me

          from speaking

but what can I say? 

    There are 


          of me 

that resist change                                                                                

   I only hope my skin is one of them 


The Skin Aged Six 

Does love (read as, comments made with love) age well? 


and standing before                                                                                                               the gas stove

I am told that I am 


 because I am in the kitchen too long


The Skin Believes No One, Not Even Me

Demons (read as, people) are superstitious 

They think you’ll believe anything they say


Standing before                                                                                                                      the gas stove

I am used to the feel of 


 on my skin when I am touched with concern 


it seems my skin gets                                                                         

  every time someone new visits—or 

       perhaps they’ve forgotten of my 


the                                             moment                                           they                                          leave 

I am                                                                                                                                handed recipes to 

face masks (read as, fix my face)                                                                                     when they leave

I am                                                                                                                                            told it will 


get better 

as if


I                 was                  diagnosed                  with                 a                   terminal                  illness


there is rain under my eyes                        


                        I want to say the moons are dark because I am 

but I don’t 


The Skin is a Crematorium 

Is there a coffin for the alive? A crematorium for the wishing? 


The moons are                                                                                                                       because I am

they         are         misted         with           rain           that         splashes         on         the         windows

  of my eyes

           wipers still as bodies in coffin 

My skin was born with a 


           Like an essay of predictions that never happen



            I am erasing every word on it 


The Skin is an Advice (A Warning) to Keep Away From You 

There are advices for everything to never do 

But what for for the things to do?

In any case, I feel I am more of a warning for so many things



      —stretch like a slit—yellow teeth like pencils—and I am compelled to flinch—


         I don’t 

Asked why my sister’s skin is 


       I shrug; 

How         would         I         know          the          makings         of          my         skin         at         six? 

Her skin                                                                 is the                                                                   moon


  mine is the darkened clouds underneath her

Moons                disappear                                                                    clouds               never               do 

     Advice Column: It’s because your mother 

       didn’t drink enough saffron milk 

         when she was pregnant

Advice Column: it’s because your mother 

is corrupt and never prayed 

while pregnant 


   I am told things I can never change

I am offered advices I will never heed 


The Skin is a Hollow Tree under a Black Moon 

Angels on my tongue sing; their eyes a black moon, lips a hollow tree 

Their wings incinerate like organs in the inventory  

I am told things I can never change 


          the trees slip like paste on skin


   like face masks on 


    tree barks     




trinkets of milk slip                



  turmeric drawn on my wet face like 

       I am to be dressed for a wedding


a love arranged 


           wooden walls    


             open coffins


The Skin is a Sinner 

Leaving a love feels as much a sin as the ones in a small hard bound book

Is there a place for the sinner? Apart from an aching hell?

For a sinner with no knees to carry him there? 


There                         is                          some                         truth                         to                          that

the wedding 



                    the ruin 

                 of the home I’d built with my parents love

an end 

of responsibility—a departure from familiarity

                                a choice 

         of leaving only given with terms and conditions 




  Terms and Conditions: you deserve 

       an ugly partner, a demanding family, a loveless marriage 

                   and you must accept that


Terms and Conditions: you must  

anyone we choose if you ever want to leave—making a decision 

is far behind your comprehension 



  from home




       the end

        of any love they’d harboured in

               their hearts 

     a star sinking into the sea 

      a moon rising up



A wet cloth                                               wipes off                                      the mixture

of the turmeric and lemon juice

                             on my starved skin 




          as a blister on the foot 

in winter

a yellow-stain 

clings to my skin

tints me in gold

dots the copper on my skin in light freckles of 


dots the copper on my skin in light freckles of brown

how    does    the    turmeric    feel    when    it       is      compared    to    gold    and    then    the    sun? 


The Skin is God 

A sun blinks in my eye, a moon drowns in the brown 

Arms up, legs thrashing; water housed in a building of ice

Fire to warm my skin, angels to sing, bodies to burn 

There is a consecrated temple in my skin that I pray to in my sleep 

O, to feel that joy of 

being compared to 

the sanctity of the sun

Of the 

blunt edge of the star 

Of his

lips of color on threads 

Of skin 


I am sacred                                                                                                born from the neck of an angel 

only to be revered as a                                                                                                                         God


a                  wet                   cloth                  slung                 around                   my                  shoulder 


more than the palm of their hands

than the scar of their souls  

                numinous only for existing


     none else

Mrityunjay is a queer, trans, disabled writer of color. Mrityunjay's work has been published or is forthcoming in Michigan Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, The Indianapolis Review, and Fourteen Hills. He’s a Tin House scholar and a Brooklyn Poets fellow. He's been awarded scholarships by Sundance Institute, The Common, Frontier Poetry, Black Lawrence Press, and elsewhere. He was a semi-finalist for the Copper Canyon Press Publishing Fellowship. He has worked as a guest editor, a reader, and an intern at various literary journals. He’s an editor for ANMLY magazine, and a reader for Split/Lip Press, Harvard Review, and The Masters Review.