Missing: Coconut Oil Woman

by Meghna Anil Nair

My grandmother,

She was last seen ten years ago with

the weight of the world on her hips

an unbearable silence on her lips -

a straight line like the parting in her

ink black hair that knotted itself

in her gold thaali when she slept

soundlessly, curled like the children

she carried and cleaned and cared for,

her bangle leaving imprints against

soft flesh that would in years to come

go looking for her again in the thick

of a malabar monsoon - unrecognizable

and fiercely frightened of the loss

about to be incurred.

Meghna Anil Nair is a doctor and writer from Chennai, India. She co-founded The Open Culture Collective, a digital journal showcasing art and poetry by underrepresented artists. You can find her on Twitter as @ldy_lzrs.