The Fall of (Wo)Man

by Mariah Rigg

Let’s start with a plot twist:

Adam kicked out of Eden for eating Eve’s ass—

firm, fuzzy, a peach ripened to perfection— 

& the Bible blames an Apple to save all of Man 

from sodomy & sex, desire & what have it

& Eve—bitten, bruised, banished—turns to Lilith, 

who doesn’t walk away, who stays, who Falls, 

in love with Eve, her own reflection;

woman comes from woman, not man; 

Eve’s made from Lilith’s rib, not Adam’s;

& Adam, he’s a sperm donor, a skirt Eve wears 

when God’s at the door; she & Lilith 

hide the children, so when the Lord comes

He won’t take the girls; He finds the boys first, 

gives them gifts, He names them

& there’s not a thing left when the daughters are found; 

them, He names mothers, wives, bearers of children

ties each to Man, indentures the girls;

at this Adam laughs, Eve weeps, Lilith screams at Him

slaps God cross his face and curses Him, hard

& God, in His rage, names her Mother of Demons, 

rips her from Earth & sends her to Hell

where she sits & she seethes & she burns beside Satan

& she watches God ruin the world with His Word, 

as He rapes & He stones & He murders her girls. 

& Lilith, she goes mad, starts killing the young men, 

the old men, the children, the men yet unborn. 

God spread His rumors and people believe Him

call Lilith a shape-shifter, seductress & whore.

Only Eve knows the truth, but she’s bound to Adam 

who names her The Temptress, steals her story from her. 

& no one remembers how Eve, she loved Lilith; 

no one recalls how their story began. 

All they know’s how the story was ended. 

All they remember is how woman cursed Man.

Mariah Rigg is a writer from Honolulu, Hawai`i who likes writing about how things break. Her work has been featured or is upcoming in Pidgeonholes, Hawai`i Pacific Review, Yes Poetry, and elsewhere. Currently, she is pursuing an MFA from the University of Oregon and will attend the 2021 Sewanee Writers' Conference as a Poetry Scholar. You can find her on Twitter @riggstah.