As Jeanne D’Arc Lived, Burning

by Lucy Cooper-Silvis

I have seen God and found Him ugly. His fussy l

ips slick back and soddom n gomorrah teeth glitte

r like pillars of salt. The mob has been made in his 

image; the scent of his skin smolders with mine. I w

anted to love Him, you know. To taste milk and honey

in His butterfly kisses, sweet. To listen and be wrapped i

n paradise. I have known the warmth of a lover, but never

 a warmth like this. Today He watches. Today He smiles aga

in. I am spitting out ash and want nothing more than vinegar 

to cleanse my mouth. They tilt the crucifix to my burning eyes. 

No springtime lamb. All I see is a man, a man in desperate need

of a mirror.

Lucy Cooper-Silvis (she/they) was born and raised in Pennsylvania. As an English and Philosophy double major at Brown University, she looks forward to her financially sound future. You can find her hunched over classwork or her own writing at your local library.