When I Finally Die, Be Honest
by Kora Dzbinski
touch them where the road kissed
first. where their gills would be if
everything had gone as planned.
read: it should have been
yet here they lie - fat mouth
lulled to sleep by snowdrifts -
Black Swaning acrylic over
concrete. writing eulogies
now we’ve fish-lined their lungs
postmortem. stuffed their hungry
ghost with algae blooms.
skin-popped Winnebago
floods - for the drama.
they did the best they
could. they did the
best. they did.
Kora Dzbinski (they/them) is a Mad-Queer poet, care worker, and Disability Studies graduate student living in Chicago. Their debut chapbook, strawberry hole, was published by Bottlecap Press in 2021. You can find their various publications at linktr.ee/koradzbinski.