my pussy invites your pussy to breakfast.

by Kora Dzbinski

I bundle my panic as orchids to pass across the booth.

Phalaenopsis. she bounces a fertile goddess across

your lips but what it really means is {moth}. what it

means is longer nights blooming. you have told me

this before but I catch folktales from your mouth.

I am not hungry enough to be here.

sex before the meds was electricity. muscles returning

their ache to the earth. it made us need eggs. today I

am watching the pressure carve your kingdom from

my fields. there is not enough lemon in your

hollandaise. yet you mold me an orchard of citrus.

Kora Dzbinski (they/them) is a queer Wisconsin-based poet and writing student. By day, they work with folks experiencing homelessness and mental health crises. Their work has appeared in The Hellebore, Digging Press, Goat’s Milk, Blisters Magazine, and more. You can find them on Instagram and Twitter at @oatmilkmom.