Exquisite Corpse as Cootie Catcher

by Sara Mae

CW: sex, transphobia, periods

After Tyehimba Jess

Sara Mae is a high fem writer raised on the Chesapeake Bay. They are a 2023 Big Ears Music Festival Artist Scholar, a 2022 Tinhouse Summer Workshops Attendee, a 2022 Open Mouth Attendee, and a 2021 Sewanee Writer’s Conference Scholar. Their work appears in or is forthcoming from FENCE, Waxwing, Heavy Feather Review, The Offing, and elsewhere. They are a 2017 Individual World Poetry Slam, 2018 National Poetry Slam, and 2018 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational Competitor. Their first chapbook, Priestess of Tankinis, is out via Game Over Books. They write shimmery rock music as The Noisy. They are currently an MFA Candidate at UT Knoxville and an Associate Poetry Editor for Grist Literary Journal.