
by R.P. Singletary

They knew their parents might never understand, yet they tried. Continued to try. Maybe if they lived another hundred years, but they were already, what 101?, both of 'em. Sure, times change, people change, but not fast enough, slow enough, never no agreement about the speed. Like when she told 'em, “I'm gay,” and they reacted. Or didn't react. What did they do? Not worth goin' into all over again. I mean, worth it, but you know. Think you had the same with yours, your own topic similar but different, I know, I know. I just wonder, don't you wonder, what with all the T.V. them folks watchin', not just westerns but sci-fi old and new, don't they ever see themselves out there, lookin' at our planet and yearnin' to be welcomed home for good?

R. P. Singletary is a lifelong writer and a native of the southeastern United States. His work appears in Bumble Jacket Miscellany, Ariel Chart, Syncopation Literary Journal, The Journal, and elsewhere.