Two Poems

by Marylyn Tan

“sensualist” is taken.

each filthy cutter bordeaux
      bordering on whipped

disease a formaldehyded monarch’s
corpse all powdered-scale chitin &

fat waxed clammy

fish guts full of stale semen
sweaty flap of smarmy pasta
like aspiration, or
lodged memory
disintegrating in the cistern’s bowels  

a penumbra of e. coli
that refuses to flush
no matter entreaty or coercion or threat

heaving deep & gutter hunger
cruel in perceptivity
venal in virtue silt-licked in intent

desire is a hot-leaded thing. we may only hope to be enamoured
of our malcontent

she told me she
liked me with hair
cascading intestinal
infinitesimal glory

in your imagination I am fleshy as tubers
generous as the heart of a banana tree

my talons approach the feminine divine,
but all I plead
is your shit in my mouth,
your shit in my mouth,
your shit in my

gagging bacchanalian buccal cavern
forcing my own hand at throwing

the barley grains onto my spreading stomach,
my duck-butter thighs

geese take their savoured beakfuls
of grain between my legs, thick-necked,
competence lined with teeth



From the mouth of Orochimaru

CWs go at the beginning in italics

all things with a truth

the wind that changed the world / to watch things eventually

perish harshly

I like to see moving things

a windmill that isn't turning a cluster of huts

the Destruction of Konoha

can be nice

i get no pleasure

to put things in myself

if you linger how I discovered you fittingly called

a trivial footnote worn down to nothing

that's why I'm collecting a bit of everything

there are so many thousands

only an idiot becomes one


that's how I feel

when I look

at you

in the presence of its predator

hand over something else

strain / their minds

strangle / that pretty

pieces must be sacrificed / the body ages

your glasses, your name

let your guard down

for a second

Marylyn Tan is a queer, female Chinese Singaporean writer-artist. Her work disrespects respectability and reclaims power. Her first bookchild, GAZE BACK, is a poetic lesbo trans-genre grimoire that made her the first woman poet to clinch the Singapore Literature Prize in history.