Ragtime Cloud

by Caleb Gainey


Off we went–puzzle solvers, riddle breakers–

to the lair of Baba Yaga. Defeated though alive, we emerged.

As we made our escape a downpour began, our clothes

becoming waterlogged and heavy. I growled my disliking

of being soaked, though you told me I wore it well.

It was difficult to not laugh, dismissive, the scent of lime

CBD escaping my mouth. We came back to my house

where I loaned you dry clothes and you found your way

to my bed. It was the promise of a horror flick that drew me in.

All at once my shaking chicken legs and collapsing nerves,

the adaptations of the turning of the screw playing,

led my uneasy lips to you. The taste of chocolate

on your tongue far too rich for the citrus on mine.


You painted my name in the trees; greens and golds

of their canopies bending to your will. Presented it

to me in a wrapped canvas, signed with your adoration.

I held it close as we marched, pretending to be swamp creatures,

examining the teeth of trees and naming unknown insects.

You explained the mycology of our newly claimed domain,

pointing out the chickens and turkeys all around.

I listened while fighting the spores of insecurity

nesting in my mind. You took my hand.

I bore my monstrous fangs, defensive.

We laughed it off, considering ourselves the kings

of the wetlands, off to conquer Halloween:

as a web-headed hero and a number-obsessed vampire.


You were the crux of indecision for me in a time

of turbulence. I had yet to discover that powerful

element [Lithium] of balance. You would have let me

hinge myself upon your countless masteries

only for me to fizzle away later on. Chemistry

can do so much though not if I am one molecule short

of clarity. No guarantees for comprehension;

no voucher of authenticity. So was it okay

to dismiss myself? What good would it have done

to stay tethered to your hand, eyes watching the clouds

all long to sing along with your ragtime rhythm?

I apologize for my lack of syncopation

for what we could have created together.

Caleb is a librarian and aspiring writer that can be seen haunting the Pee Dee region of South Carolina. When he's not in the swamplands or raising his chickens, he can be found masquerading the streets as a superhero. Twitter: octoleal