Two Poems

Plain Girls in the Gym & Reasons the toilet cannot be used

by ELizabeth McGeown

Plain Girls in the Gym

Plain girls in the gym


Plain girls in the gym

sweat                              sweat.

Drip with it

visibly running down their backs, 

their knees,

between their breasts.

Plain girls in the gym 

wear cotton, are not wearing 

moisture wicking materials or scientifically 

designed aerodynamic athleisure wear.

They resurrect old t-shirts

with worn patches

and underarm discolouration.

They wear Italia ‘90!

They wear

I walked 10k for Cancer Research, 

they wear

St John Ambulance volunteer.

Tie dye handprints dipped in school

on a rainy day off-the-cuff arts and crafts session.

Plimsolls are worn.? Guddies. 

Words for shoes we have forgotten.

Plain girls in the gym

want you to leave them alone.

Obey the urinal rule of

always          leave             a              space            between.

Reasons the toilet cannot be used 

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Elizabeth McGeown is a Pushcart Prize 2021 nominee and has featured in publications including Banshee, Abridged and Riggwelter. She is funded by Arts Council Northern Ireland and The National Lottery to work on her first pamphlet. She tweets at @CandysEyes.