Easter Sunday (Alternative to Aspirin)
by Elena Sichrovsky
CW: mention of self-harm, abuse
I would like to beat myself over the head with a crowbar
there’s this headache, you see, rolling down my arms red
its been going on all afternoon and miss samantha told
me to swallow some pills or put a pencil through my eye
I couldn’t find a sharpener though
the thing about lead is that it snaps and the thing about
eyes is that they flinch timid little things refusing
to smile when they’re asked refusing to look pretty
when they’re stabbed like no one taught them manners
my head feels lighter now without all that gray matter
no one should carry so much pain in such small a case
skulls are cumbersome things
a jewelry box or lipstick tube will suffice
a woman is not meant to spill this way
tomorrow I will call my friend my bestest girlfriend
she will sew up all my flaps of skin and put a laurel wreath
on my head and hand in hand we’ll walk to our crucifixion
your hands are so soft
my boyfriend tells me, like they’ve
never had nails driven through, splinters only follow
tweezers and sometimes after sex the crown
of my head bleeds but it’s because I love him
I love him so much I kiss him back with a crowbar
Elena Sichrovsky is an Austrian-Tawainese writer living in Shanghai, China. She's an active part of the writing community there and helps to lead the Inkwell Fiction Workshop. Her work has been published in SciPhi Journal, Black Telephone Magazine, and Planet Scumm, among others. Through her writing she tries to find the beauty in the terrifying and the terror in the beautiful. You can follow her on Instagram or Twitter.