On Letting Yr Girlfriend Crush Yr Penis After Her Sexual Reassignment Surgery

by D.M. Rice

Do mind my balls

I like to imagine my little

swimmers wandering inside of you

looking for some sign of predestination.    

Sketching private futures

where you wear your womb 

in a handbag:  prada

, versace, every italian glimmer of

the first poem— the quiet game

Do not forget

what I keep telling

myself abt what

Nietzsche said abt

demons, do not forget

to breathe


I am god’s ballgag

the fuss of your hair

post-shower, under the whirr

of technology you become

yourself, and I more me

to witness this, so

celebrate reversion, call

me anytime day or night

I’ll drop my books and run

before you can say

anaphylaxis— without my

phone your guess is

as good as mine

D.M. Rice is a PhD candidate at the University of Essex who recently completed a course in the Avant Garde for compiling full-length redactions of Epistemology of the Closet, Gender Trouble, and the History of Sexuality. They have work featured all over the net, most recently at History & Fiction, The Decadent Review, and Sybil. D.M. tweets @quizlemon.