The Age Where Men wear Sandals to the Store

by Dimitri Karakostas

i could never get tattoos on my hands
that’s where the to-do lists go

a nice American name like TJ Maxx or

a nice American name like Banana Republic

- -

these days I don’t stop
to photograph flowers or signs that say
‘memorial headstones on sale now’

I, always
on foot or not at all

taking the time to let it sink in
or to see something I missed the first time

there’s a hunter gatherer allegory
that I use to explain myself
because I only talk about work
when I talk about who I’m supposed to be

suddenly I remember
a previous me
eager for whatever there was that was new
or new to me, at least

this year
I was wrong to see nothing in spring

- - - 

'the definitive condominium'
would be a good title for a new release of penthouse lofts in the low 800s

after 2-3 light beers
something normal like that
i trade my glasses for other glasses

'you sound like your fucking mother'

would be a good title for my upcoming depressive missive

i'm the smartest poet on instagram, i must be

sitting comfortably
with a curved spine
bathed in blue light
from the screen

Dimitri Karakostas won first prize ($100) for this poem in our Fall 2023 Poetry Contest, selected by judge Lucas Restivo. He is archivist living on an isolated island somewhere in the northeast. After two half-hearted retirements from the Internet, he is now ‘so back.’