Chat Room

by Fizza Abbas

Mom, can I tell you a secret? you think you're far away from me but it's just seven kilometres, the graveyard you're buried in, so go, enjoy popcorns with angels but don't forget I too can come to keep a check on you. Don't get too funky over there. Dad is my secret agent, so mind you. 

Mom, I heard, you guys get an hour to receive messages from your family members, is it so?. Did you get the one where I complained of W for breaking a plate while washing utensils in the sink? Or, the one where I sent you a list of the ingredients I can cook with? Mom, I can finally differentiate between mint and coriander! Mom, do you know, I comb my hair daily? though my tresses yearn to feel the tingling of your fingers,  the slow caresses that secretly recited Surah Al Hamd: the knot of our dear God, as you used to say.

Everything is fine here: summers have finally arrived. We enjoyed Langra Aam last week, it was so goddamn juicy; I remembered the incident when you dropped mango syrup on your light-blue embroidered dress last year and called it guilty, for why was peel so thick and mango so tasty. I did the same this year. Mangos are the culprit, I agree. 

How are things up there?  Does dad visit you once in a while or is he too busy making new friends? I suspect, he must be playing cards with fellows and would be hiding hearts and spades. Dad will never change - Classic cheatercock. If he ever offers you to play, feel free to whip out the Queen, the moment he starts trusting you. It will be fun. Oh God, I can imagine dad's angsty expressions: eyebrows raised, thick, horizontal lines on the forehead and a drop of sweat settled on the lower lip.  Now, you HAVE to try. I can't wait.

Mom, it's time to go to bed. I shall talk to you tomorrow. Say my hello to dad and tell him to play Solitaire some time. Download it onto his laptop. It's easy to use and free. He can play it along with his friends as well. And you, mom, download Rothey Ho Tum from YouTube and listen to it. If you face any problems, do let me know. I shall download it for you.

Fizza Abbas is a Freelance Content Writer based in Karachi, Pakistan. She is fond of poetry and music. Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in quite a few journals including Poetry Village, The Daily Drunk, Indiana Voice Journal, London Grip and Poetry Pacific.