Two Poems

This is an Ode & California

by Camila Valle

This is an Ode

to the metal swing that held

my growth

fresh fruit

magazine cutouts

to our losses

all our crafts

mango flowers

fax machines

mended flannel

to that birthday we celebrated

at east river park

when it was still a park

when the trees still

when we still

to every dead bird

baking on concrete


nothing without nothing

my little triangle

coffee table rescued

from a gay garage

carpeted pink

life is a coming

& going

& coming everything

is a space to hang

my underwear

lay my face

in the sand

Camila Valle is a writer, editor, translator, and abortion doula and educator. Her work has appeared in Interview, ’68 to ’05, Science for the People, In The Mood Magazine, and Spectre Journal, among other publications. Her translation of Set Fear on Fire: The Feminist Call that Set the Americas Ablaze by the Chilean feminist performance collective LASTESIS is out from Verso Books.