Visiting Hours

by Amy-Jean Muller

CW: Mental Health/Illness, Institutionalization

Susan’s birthday 

brought with it a delirious sing along in the lounge 

and the psychiatrist actually smiled,

then Kathryn made a break through

and they hugged,

and her Grandma was there despite it being past 8pm

beside Jenny’s fiancé who she called ‘fiancé’ in a French accent for some fucking reason

and all the cigarettes were sold out again because Kevin popped by and didn’t think to buy some from the outside

plus he ate the cake

while nobody noticed David walking out 

past the sleeping guard in the hut

with steamed up windows 

from the sex he’d had with the new patient with body dysmorphia 

and a fashion contract

which she told us about


and repeatedly.

Andrew told his parents we all ate

Wednesday’s dinner tonight,

which was actually left over Tuesday’s dinner, 

with a curry sauce,

and we knew Claire would hide it under her bed again,

stinking us out until Saturday

when we had longer visits

and more families came.

And all I wanted was for it to be 9pm

so all of them would go

and we could all be the unspeakable fucks again

and I wouldn’t be the only one

sitting without you 

visiting me

Amy-Jean Muller is an artist, writer and poet from South Africa who lives and works in London. Both her art and writing explore culture, memory, mental health, identity, and sexuality. She has exhibited her art in South Africa and London. Her writing can be found in various publications and is a regular contributor for Versification and The Daily Drunk. She also writes transgressive fiction and is currently completing her first novel.