
by Reggie Johnson

Stairway to hell

Feels like we on a escalator

Liquor pushes my mood

My own elevator

Tired of the infinite circle

Tired of the monotony

And y’all be trying to lie to me

For years they beat us kings up like Martin or Rodney

And won’t acknowledge a queen not even sorry

Don’t apologize to me

Should’ve been for my ancestors

And then maybe this psychological strain wouldn’t fester

This ain’t a game but real life 

We’ve been all testers 

Been tried all this time

Testing the limits of our patience

Just look at how many of us are currently being patients

Just look at how many of us died because these cops just wasn’t patient

I could cry

Don’t chalk up to being emotional

All this type of media 

And we’re selectively social

A month ago black lives matter

I wonder who keeping the same tune

And not to be used on TikTok in the comfort of your own room

Not for your own views

Not for your own likes

I’ve written for years

Illustrating my life

I’m a black man first

A creative in this era

Fighting our case 

That our life is not an error

We are not how you see us

Just an embodiment of terror

I just want to be free of the past pain and the terror

And get off this broken down stairway to Amerikkka

Reggie Johnson is an author reigning out of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the age of 9, he found a love for writing while on summer vacation. With influences from music, Reggie has created a rhythmic style of writing to tell his personal experiences and beyond. Reggie’s latest book, Audio Therapy, along with others can be found on all major online retailers.