Beyond Grief, Inc.

by al ann kifolo

should i eat fewer processed meats? ham and cheese, salami italian subs. oil and vinegar down my fingers. cold boar’s head pepperoni from the greasy square package. whatever is in taco bell.

why do i have to digest what your hand feeds?

the burnt chai-spiced cheesecake with the honey and rum poached blackberries was my favorite. baked for my own 29th birthday. cream whipped soft-stiff using my mom’s hand-me-down hand-mixer. something like conception.

is happiness vegan? we should stop using the pull-out method.

i can’t make sense of processing my emotions. i keep listening to those crunchy elites preaching embodiment. i don’t pass. i feel like eating a treat to finish every meal.

al ann kifolo raises two affectionate cats and has arms full of scratches and bites. they craft in words, fiber, and light and attempt to alchemize their chronic angst into art. find al’s work in Honey Fair Magazine and self-indulgent Instagram captions @noone.myself.