Mid-Apocalyptic Queer Sci-Fi Short Story

by Adrian Frandle

Frat dude dick-taps

             & locker room towel 



unabated & men

in time, self-sterilize

unable to summon 


             & diminish. 

Magic & science

ensure every 




The End. 

Adrian Dallas Frandle (he/they) is a poet, queerdo fantasist, & cook. A reader for Okay Donkey Lit Mag/Press, they have poems in Daily Drunk Mag's "Marvelous Verses" print anthology, Feed Lit Mag, & Celestite Poetry Journal. Work forthcoming in HAD, Final Girl Mag, Rejection Letters, Olney Mag, Sledgehammer Lit Mag, GutSlut Press, the “Hell Is Real” Anthology w/more to come soon! Tweets: @adrianf